I've recently finished the book "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" by John Mark Comer. It is a great and thoughtful book filled with thorough research. I really related to a lot of his arguments and I highly recommend it. The book centers on the problem of hurry in our everyday lives. It talks about how hurry contributes to high levels of anxiety and the negative effects it has on our spiritual lives. The book is a big advocate for the need for discipline especially for Spiritual Disciplines- which is a great struggle for many. Which got me thinking, what spiritual disciplines work the best in a world that is filled with hurry and distraction. Ultimately, I do think it is up to us to make the necessary changes that ensure our lives are not filled with busyness. But this will look really different for everybody depending on career, stage of life and other factors. So the suggestions I make in the blog today are just that... suggestions. You can do with it as you please, ...
"God grant me character greater than my gifts and humility greater than my influence"- Scott Sauls